Blogging for Business
I have decided that once a month, rather than writing my own blog, I am going to offer you the brilliant thoughts and ideas of my colleagues and clients. I am only one person, with one POV, and there is so much more to be shared! I am starting this month with Victoria Lasin of V.L. Editing. Those of you who have had the pleasure of working with Victoria know her to be a star. Her varied skill set, wicked sense of humor, reasonable prices, and overwhelming commitment to support women to be articulate and well-spoken make her the best writing partner you’ll find. I am sharing an article she wrote on blogging because many of us struggle to write consistently but we want blogging to be part of our marketing plan. She addresses this concern and the best news is she will share her Blog Planner; all you have to do is email her and ask for it! Blogging for Business
Writing blogs can be great fun for folks who like to talk on topics they love. Thoughts flow freely and, sometimes, readers will get caught up in the blogger’s enthusiasm.
Using blogs as a marketing tool, however, requires a bit more planning. Having a blog arrive regularly in your customers’ mailboxes keeps you and your services or products front and center in their minds.
Of course, you want your business presence to be a positive reminder of who you are. You want to give your subscribers something meaningful to read, something that will help, educate, or inspire them.
You offer valuable expertise from your own unique perspective. Sharing your personal wisdom via your own blog is a great service, as well as a viable method of marketing your business.
Because writing your own blog while meeting all the other demands of running your own business can be a challenge, I created a Blog Planner. Once you know what you want to write about, this prewriting tool helps you build the content of your blog, sharpen your focus, and stay organized.
Good writing begins with getting clear about your readers. So foundational to planning your blog—or any writing other than your journal—is to put yourself in your audience’s shoes. Think about what they already know and speak to what they want to know. Also, be clear about how you want them to feel or what you want them to do as a result of reading your thoughts.
Another essential prewriting step that I include in the Planner is honestly asking yourself why YOU are writing about the topic. What qualifies you? What experiences have you had that make this topic meaningful to you?
Also, it helps to think of the concluding message you want to leave with your readers. What’s your point? Everything else in your business blog should gather around that message. Keeping your blog clearly focused helps readers stick with you, and stick with reading what you write.
With the basics of audience, purpose, and message planned out, you are ready to draft your blog. Writing is a process and it takes time—time to NOT write! Give yourself a day, or at the very least a few hours, before you refine your first draft. You will be amazed how time away from your writing will illuminate your message for you and, ultimately, your readers.
A little planning before you draft your blog can go a long way to making writing easier. If you’re interested in trying out the Blog Planner, just let me know and I’ll be glad to email it to you.
Victoria Lasin of V.L. Editing has helped hundreds of people develop their ideas in writing. As a college composition teacher, she coached students through the writing process. Now she supports business professionals present their ideas effectively in writing. You can contact her at