National Association for Women in Business Meets the One Page Business Plan®
I just returned from the National Association of Business Women (NAWBO) national conference in San Antonio, Texas. The most uplifting part of the trip was watching thirty two of the sixty NAWBO chapters from across the country receive their First Star in the recently launched Healthy Chapter program. Receiving this first star required each president and/or president elect to complete a One Page Business Plan® for their chapter. This was quite an accomplishment for the chapter presidents, the organization, and for me. The One Page Business Plan is the foundation of the NAWBO Healthy Chapter program and must be completed in order for a chapter to engage in and complete the program. I have spent the last year working closely with NABWO’s CEO and her team, the National Board, the President’s Assembly, and the incoming and current and presidents, assisting them in applying the planning process to their organization. The overarching goal (from my POV) has been to bring consistency to the chapters and better alignment with the national board.
Jim Horan, the originator of the One Page Business Plan, donated access to his online Point, Click, Plan program so every chapter and leader within NAWBO can access this easy and efficient tool to construct an initial draft of their plan. From there, I review the plans and once they are in place, I meet with the person or team who drafted the plan and with their assistance, take it to completion.
You might wonder, “What’s the purpose of all this?” Why have Jim Horan and the Biz Diva gifted this nonprofit organization with One Page Business Plan philosophy, technology and coaching? Speaking for myself, after helping the NAWBO Presidents Assembly create their One Page Business Plan and rebirthing the Healthy Chapter program, I saw an organization in need of alignment and infrastructure. In addition to creating alignment, one of the equally important possibilities that the One Page Business Plan offers is a fabulous secession planning tool.
When the leadership role shifts in a nonprofit organization that is run by a volunteer board, it is typical for the new president to arrive with their own agenda and often that agenda becomes the board’s agenda, regardless of what has previously been put in place. Succession planning is often lacking in organizations and a tool such as the One Page Business Plan is an excellent way to pass the torch within a framework and with a foundation already in place for the new leadership to build off of. Using a tool that creates alignment from leader to leader is going to have a positive impact on each chapter as well again as the overall organization.
As with many of us entrepreneurial women, numerous of the presidents and presidents elect were challenged to find the time to learn a new way of planning and then create their chapter plan. What I'm really excited to tell you is this: Once they got in and did it, they were astounded at how easily it came together! The combination of the Point, Click, Plan program and having my guidance enabled them to get it done in, get real with what would be possible within their tenure, and make excellent decisions about what the real priorities are for the coming year.
Join the Biz Diva tomorrow, October 5 at 9am pacific time for part one of her Live Webinar Series and develop your very own One Page Business Plan! It really is the best thing you can do for your business and your peace of mind. Click here to sign up or learn more.