Finally! One Page Business Plan® Workshops Are Here
So you know how I'm always talking about the importance of a plan? And you're always saying, "Yeah, I know I need a plan. But you know I've got this business to run? Where does a millionairess-in-training get the time?" The Biz Diva heard you. She's winnowed it all down to the basics. Now you can create a One Page Business Plan in one day! Yes, you read that right: a plan in a day.
I know what you're going to say next: "Those One Page Business Plan courses cost thousands of dollars! Did you forget there's a recession on?" No. The Biz Diva knew you were going to say that. She "sharpened her pencil" (oh, I used to hate to hear that when I was in the corporate world!) and came up with the very affordable price of $249. But she knew you were going to keep on whining, so she said, just for you, you very very frugal types, the cost is $199. If you register at her site by April 13. That's a week away.
$199 for what many entrepreneurs have called the single most powerful tool for their business.
What are you waiting for?
If you know anyone who could use this class, please forward this post to them. And by "anyone who could use this class" we mean anyone with a business who doesn't have a plan. Just click on that little envelope down there.