How to Use Inspiration: Follow Up
A couple weeks ago I wrote about Seth Simonds' suggestion for what to do when you were inspired. I was inspired to get more comfortable with selling. The last step (of three steps) was to "E-mail the list of ideas to your most logical friend who knows you well and ask your friend to go over your list and make suggestions the following day."
So you probably guessed that I sent my list to The Biz Diva, right? My list included "Take a course on how to sell." The Biz Diva thought that was a great idea, and we looked around for something that was coming up soon, in my price and geographical range, and we found... nothing. Another item on my list was to "e-mail Polly Lemire and see if she did private consulting on sales," because she is the most kick-ass salesperson I've ever met. So I did that, and Polly was so great, she said she'd love to help, because she so much wants to bring sales out of the 1950s stereotypes of annoying hardsell. Because she believes that everyone can sell using their own style.
She's a sort of sales evangelist. She said she'd show me how to:
- Build a prospecting approach that people will pay attention to
- Remove "procrastination" from you your selling vocabulary
- Put your selling strategy on "auto-pilot"
- Replace pressure with fun and creativity
Which got me all excited. Fun and creativity instead of dreaded drudgery?
So I told a friend about this and she said, "I want to learn that!" And I told another friend, and it sort of snowballed. So I had to go back to Polly and see if she'd be interested in teaching this to a few other people, and because she is a true believer, she said "Of course!"
Do you want to learn how to Sell More with Less Stress? Get all the details here. And on the Biz Diva Facebook page (click on Events). Don't forget to forward this on to anyone you think could use this course!